History of Promprinter and VTPM.
The reason for the company incorporation became the search of new solutions in the field of additive technologies, that would be cost effective and useful for industry..
Project start
In September 2017, we developed a concept of a 3D printer with the large printing area, using strong plates with high melting point.
Our research demonstrated that common 3D printing technologies with the use of rods have low productivity at large expenses on expendables.
Rod is a plastic wire, processed by design and wound around a coil, manufactured from plastic granules. Therefore, we decided to use basic and cheap raw material, plastic granules. Due to this, we became one of three granule printing developers in the world despite the fact that 3D printing with plastic granules was earlier deemed technically infeasible.
Granules produced by world industry are essentially cheaper.
They are versatile to the highest extent, while there is a lack of rods from high strength plastics.
At the same time, the kinematics of the first granule 3D printer was designed and built, and in November 2017, a prototype named Big Guy started printing large-scale objects.
2018 is the concept verification year. Testing various technical solutions, their improvement, gaining experience of work with various materials and 3D printing with uniform melt using the in-house printing head.
The innovative VTPM (Versatile Thermoplastic Particles Manufacturing) technology developed by us allowed application of granules from polymer-containing thermoplastic materials along the digital 3D model outline
Работа с большим количеством
полимерных материалов позволила
понять, что первоначальная концепция
была правильной, но не учитывала некоторых особенностей послойной печати объектов.
Так были заложены принципы и технические решения, на основе которых впоследствии появилась технология VTPM.
In summer 2019, we released several prototype printers using the VTPM technology, and tested operation parameters of several granule printing heads in a large-scale industry 3D printer of this new project.
Result testing
Therefore, our team developed the unique 3D printing technology and the industrial 3D printer that uses it.
Following various tests, we manufactured a pre-production prototype that allowed concentrating on solving specific tasks from different fields of industry, such as aircraft, space, shipbuilding, vehicle, furniture, medicine, education, architecture, etc.
At the same time, we started developing and testing economical production models, built on possibilities provided by the VTPM technology for industry.
This allowed us developing a price policy, at which the 3D printer purchase is repaid during the first one or two years of operation.
Off-the-shelf product
The large-scale high temperature 3D printer, using the VTPM technology and capable of combining several materials in one device, will be available to Russian customers in February 2022.
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