Promprinter uses the  VTPM (Versatile Thermoplastic Particles Manufacturing) – a method of objects creation by application of melt from thermoplastic material particles along the digital 3D model outline in layers in strictly controlled environment.

VTPM features:

––– Versatility

Production capabilities 3D printers and the widest range of polymer polymer materials solve the most complex tasks in various branches, from steel industry and wood processing to aircraft industry and electrical power engineering.

––– Accuracy, quality
       and productivity

Object building in layers offers an advantage of creating complex geometry, which is impossible to be obtained by other methods, but as an issue of high surface roughness.

VTPM allows customizing accuracy, roughness and efficiency settings for your production.

––– Materials for any tasks 

VTPM works with all thermoplastic polymers and their composites (glass fiber, carbon fiber, ceramics and mineral particles, timber dust, metal powders), existing in plastic industry as granules, and plastic particles, compatible with them by size.Materials for any tasks. VTPM works with all thermoplastic polymers and their composites (glass fiber, carbon fiber, ceramics and mineral particles, timber dust, metal powders), existing in plastic industry as granules, and plastic particles, compatible with them by size.

––– Print environment control

Being the specialists in additive technologies and polymer extraction, we came to a conclusion on impossibility to create an actual multi-purpose device without providing a user with control over all substantial 3D printing aspects (e.g., cooling air flow temperature and volume, common convection control and many others).

Due to these features, VTPM enhances the production possibilities and cheapens the creation of the wide range of objects. Product low costs, manufactured under the VTPM technology, makes production of single devices, as well as small and medium series, especially profitable.


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